There were times when faith faltered, and David did foolish things, when his "animalistic" passion mastered him, and when he fell into fearful sin.
But underneath the "faltering" faith and "animalistic" passion of the flesh, there was to be found an intensified and ironclad level of faith and passion for God embedded deeply within his body and soul.
David cried out to God in Psalm 63:2:
"O God: You are my God, I seek You. Thirsts for You does my soul, long for You does my flesh; in a land parched and weary with no water."
Profounder than any sin, however heinous, was the attitude of David's soul which could cry out further, acknowledging God's supremacy in his life (Psalm 63:8):
“My soul clings after You; supported me has Your right arm.”
That was David's conception of the supremacy of God.