The Tent and the Altar represented two abiding symbols of Abraham’s relationship to the Promised Land and to his God.
The Tent was a symbol of Abraham’s readiness to obey the Divine command to remain or move.
The Altar was the symbol of Abraham’s relationship to God through sacrifice and Divine grace.
Abraham pitched his tent and erected his altar as the sign and symbol of the fact that he owned the land only by the deed of God and the gift of the Almighty.
But there was a greater issue in the mind of Abraham besides his relationship with God.
God said to Abraham in Genesis 12:3:
“In you shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.”
The greater “human” issue was the promise to posterity given the barren state of Sarah, Abraham’s wife.
How many apples are in an apple seed? Only God knows.
Through Abraham’s fidelity God gained a foothold. And this foothold was all that was needed to make possible the seemingly impossible.
We need to remember that like Abraham we too are sojourners. Our proof of this is our altar. By the altar we maintain our relationship and testify to our dependence on God.
We cannot allow our vision of God to be clouded by prescribed issues.
Let us do what obedience asks for, and God will look after all of the other details.