FIRST, we recognize God’s Truth as revealed in Creation.
God is LORD and King over His world. He rules all things for His Own Glory, displaying His perfections in all that He does, in order that men and angels may worship and adore Him.
This is the Truth revealed in Creation. The Heavens declare the Glory (the Excellence / the Majesty) of God. We read in Psalm 19:1:
“The Heavens declare the Glory of God, the dome of the sky speaks the work of His hands.”
To be able to declare this like David, we must know Who our God is and attribute to Him the Glory due to His Name. Our chief aim in life is to know God. By the same token of us recognizing God’s creative ability in the Heavenly bodies, so also others looking at us should recognize God’s miracle creation. We are His workmanship.
SECOND, God has spoken to man, and the Bible is His Word, given to us to make us wise unto salvation.
The wisdom of the Jews is based on an accepted belief in God; that is, it does not try to find out whether or not God exists. All its beliefs are based on God, and in the actual whirl of things as they are, all its mental energy is bent on practical living. On the other hand, the wisdom of the Greeks is speculative (this is the wisdom of our day).
The wisdom of the Jews does not set out to discover whether God is, nor does it enter into speculating inquiries as to the origin of sin. Belief in God is never questioned, and on that basis, Jewish wisdom sets out to deal with practical things as they are.
"Faith is trust in a God Whose ways I do not know, but Whose character I do know through His Word."
THIRD, God is Saviour and active in sovereign love, to rescue believers from the guilt and power of sin.
This salvation is the result of believers that are desirous to draw into close relationship with their Heavenly Father, as was reflected in the life of our Master Yeshua. Yeshua provides the ultimate example of what a Godly life looks like in this world.
Godliness means responding to God’s revelation in trust and obedience, faith and worship, prayer and praise, submission and service. Life must be seen and lived in the light of God’s Word and, subsequently, in the express image of the life that Yeshua lived.
This is true religion.